Upcoming Events:
Tahlequah Area Camber of Commerce CD2 Forum @ Go Ye Village 1201 W Fourth St in Tahlequah 6:00 to 7:30 pm October 8th
Brandon will take part in this event !
Saturday OCTOBER 5 @ 3:00 to 5:00 pm West Side Community Center Town Hall in Bartlesville Oklahoma
Come out between the hours of 3:00 to 5:00 pm to join Brandon Wade in a Bartlesville Town Hall and discuss the issues that are important to you
Saturday October 5 @ 8:00 am The Annual Veterans Pancake Breakfast 3528 W Reno Ave in Oklahoma City
Come out and join me in supporting a great cause and supporting our Veterans
DURANT TOWN HALL With US House Democratic Nominee for Congressional District 2
Tuesday October 1st at Roma’s in Durant event starts at 6:00pm Come out and have great food and talk all the issues that are near to you.
SOUTHEASTERN OSU Meeting with University students at SoutheasternOSU starting at 9:00 am TUESDAY OCTOBER 1st
Brandon will speak with the students at the university
Rogers County Women’s Empowerment Meeting Thursday September 26 @ 4:30 pm 416 S Brady St in Claremore Ok.
Rogers County Democratic Meeting Thursday September 26 @ 6:30 pm 416 S Brady St Claremore Ok.
Brandon will be the quest speaker that night.
FREEDOM RALLY #2 Boley Community Center in Boley Oklahoma Rally starts at 4:00 pm Sunday September 15
Brandon will be joining the Black Mayors of Oklahoma’s historic black towns. Come out and join us in the hope of the Freedom Rally and coming together.
McINTOSH COUNTY DEMOCRATIC MEETING @ the JIM LUCAS CHECOTAH PUBLIC LIBRARY 626 W Gentry Ave in Checotah Meeting starts at 6:30 pm
Brandon will be a guest speaker at this meeting.
Brandon Wade’s Town Hall Response to Josh Brecheen
Friday September 6th
Hugo Public Library Town Hall from 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Idabel Public Library Town Hall from 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Broken Bow Public Library Town Hall 4:00 to 5:00 pm
Come out to one or all these great events and discuss any and all issues that are affecting the people of CD2!
SEQUOYAH COUNTY DEMOCRATS MEETING @ J&Ds Cowtown 230 N Oak St. Sallisaw, Ok September 5th
Come out and meet Brandon Wade at the Dems meeting starting at 6:00 pm
Oklahoma’s Largest Labor Day Parade September 2nd In Henryetta
Come out and march with Brandon Wade and celebrate Labor Day with a PROUD UNION REPRESENTATIVE! Join us after the parade for some great BBQ and meet the candidates! Starting at 9:00 am
Saturday August 31 Cherokee National Holiday Parade
Join Democratic Nominee for US House Congressional District 2, Brandon Wade, in the parade or just come out and watch.
Join me at Crossing 2nd in Bartlesville Oklahoma for an exciting night with the Washington County Dems!
August 29th starting at 7:00pm

COME OUT TO SEE ME AT THE LeFlore County Democrats Meeting
Wednesday July 31,2024 at the Poteau Pizza Hut starting at 6:30pm located at 2102 N Broadway St. Poteau, Ok.
Washington County Democratic Party monthly meeting.
Join Brandon at Crossing 2nd in Bartlesville, Ok. at 7:00pm for the Washington County Democratic Party’s monthly meeting and discussion. Brandon will be present to discuss the major issues and how things are going on the campaign.
Ribbon Cutting For Cherokee County Democratic Party Headquarters
Thursday July 25, 2024 – 1217 Park Hill Rd Tahlequah, Ok. Event is from 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Come out and join Brandon for a great event with the Cherokee County Democrats. Brandon will be at the event from 3:00 to around 4:30.
Saturday May 11, 2024 – 77th Annual Strawberry Festival in Stilwell Oklahoma
Come out and join Brandon at the Strawberry Festival in Stilwell. It’s an all day event and the parade starts at 10:00!
Saturday May 4, 2024 – Broken Bow Town Hall and meet and greet 2:00 pm.

Brandon and several of the people that attended the Town Hall

Thursday April 18, 2024 – Okmulgee County Democratic Party Meeting @ OSUIT 6:00pm
Come out to Okmulgee to hear Brandon discuss the issues of CD2, as he will be the quest speaker at their monthly meeting.
Friday April 12, 2024 – Candidate Meet and Greet Coweta 6:00pm
Come join us at the First Baptist Church of Coweta at 15296 SH-72, Coweta, Ok This will be a meet and greet with a pie action. Come out and join us and bid on some pies as you get to know your candidates!
Tuesday April 9, 2024 – Cherokee County Democratic Party Meeting 5:30 pm
Come out and see me at the Cherokee County Democratic Party’s monthly meeting. I’m excited to get back to Tahlequah. The meeting will be held at Tahlequah Armory Municipal Building @ 101 N. Water Ave., Tahlequah, Ok
Tuesday April 2, 2024 – Town Hall Meeting at Lost Street Brewing Company 5:30 – 8:00pm
Come out and join Brandon at his Town Hall meeting in Durant, Ok. This will be a great opportunity to ask Brandon about issues that are important to you and discuss any topics that you feel needs to be talked about. This event is open to anyone that wants to get to know more about the candidate and help them get a better understanding on how Brandon looks to change the direction of House of Representatives is going. This event is being held in Durant, Oklahoma and will be attended by Bryan County Democratic Party and the Bryan County Federation of Democratic Women. The location of the event is The Lost Street Brewing Company @ 109 West Lost Street in Durant. Brandon will also have a very special guest with his ready to answer any question from anyone that is attending the Oklahoma State convention. John Weston is running for a National Delegate seat at that convention. Come out and join us in an informative night!
Tuesday April 2, 2024 – Southeastern Oklahoma State University Campaign Speech at 3:00 pm
Brandon will be in Durant, Ok at the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University to discuss all issues that we are facing in this upcoming election. He will be addressing the faculty, staff, the student body, and OIL (OK Intercollegiate Legislature) about his campaign and his vision for a better country.
Friday March 22, 2024 – Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women 58th Annual State Convention 6:00 pm
Brandon will be joining the Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women for their Campaign Rally and Tailgate Dinner Friday night. He is extremely excited to be attending this event and hopes to see you there.

Saturday March 16, 2024 – Washington County Dems Blue Lunch
Come join Brandon and the Washington County Democrats at Bambino’s Downtown Bistro 101 SE Frank Phillips Blvd in Bartlesville, Ok. from 1:00 – 3:00. We will enjoy great food and have friendly conversations about many different issues.
Saturday March 9, 2024 -BE THE RESPONSE: Panel Discussion with Keith Ellison
Brandon attended an educational panel discussion with Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison. This was an event held by the Oklahoma Democratic Party at the OU campus in the Thurman J White Forum Bldg.

Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison

The Panel

Brandon Wade CD 2 & Kody Macaulay CD 4

Saturday, March 2, 2024 – Oklahoma State Capital
Join Brandon at the State Capital, as he will be joining the Poor People’s Campaign in their A National Call for Moral Revival . This is an event that Brandon feels strongly about and would love to see many from the state take part. We will start gathering around 10:00 am on Saturday March 2. Come out and join us and find Brandon to ask him about any issues you have question about.
Thursday, February 29, 2024 – Rogers County Democratic Meeting
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m, Rogers County Building, Claremore Oklahoma
Brandon will be speaking at the Rogers County monthly meeting on the last Thursday in February. He will be updating the great people of Rogers county about the progress of his campaign and answering any question anyone may have. Please come out and join us and bring family and friends. We look forward to meeting everyone!
Thursday, October 26, 2023 – Muskogee County Democrat Fish Fry
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Martin Luther King Jr. Center, Muskogee
Speakers: Deputy Mayor & Councilor Ward III Derrick Reed,
Councilor Ward III Perline Boyattia-Craig
Democrat Candidate for Congress 2024 Brandon Wade
Nov. 7, 2023 – Cherokee County Democratic Party meeting in Tahlequah
5:30p.m. – 7:00p.m. 100 N Water Ave
Speakers: CD2 Party Chair Rae Ann Wilson, Democratic Candidate for Congress CD2 2024 Brandon Wade
Nov. 9, 2023 – McIntosh County Democratic Party meeting in Checotah
6:30p.m. – 7:30p.m. Jim Lucas Checotah Public Library 626 W Gentry Ave
Nov. 11, 2023 – Veterans Day Parade

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Nov. 14, 2023 – Ottawa County Democratic Party meeting in Miami

7:00p.m.-8:00p.m. 123 E Central Ave
Speaker: Democratic Candidate for Congress CD2 2024 Brandon Wade
I will be driving the truck that is pulling the Washington County Democrats float! Come out and join the fun Parade starts at 6:30p.m.
Past Events:
October 26, 2023 – Oklahoma Democratic Party CD 2 Retreat

Brandon was in attendance for the organizing and planning meeting of the CD 2 Democrats held in Tahlequah. He was joined by many county party leaders, Alicia Andrews ( Chair of Oklahoma Dems), Governor David Walters, & Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskins Jr.
October 21, 2023 – Pittsburg County Monthly Meeting
October 2023 – Bryan County Democratic Party meeting in Durant, OK
Wade spoke at the kick off the reorganization of the Bryan County Democratic Party, which had ceased meeting during the pandemic. The party met at the Roma Italian Restaurant and hosted about 50 people.