I will address the busted immigration system we have and not just use it as a fear pushing campaign issue. That is the problem we have right now, too many complaining about immigration don’t really want to address it. I believe we must address this situation. We need to provide more border agents, more money into modern technology to help watch over our border, more judges to handle the immigrants coming into our country, more personnel to run background checks, more personnel to handle the cases, and look at the unemployment rates in the country to see where we can locate the immigrants so they can have jobs while waiting on their court dates. The process to become a US citizen shouldn’t take multiple years to accomplish.


Women’s rights must be restored and protected. I believe we must Codify Roe and put it into law. Women should have the right to privacy in their healthcare. They should also have the right to make their own healthcare decisions. We can not stand by and watch women have their rights removed and to be prosecuted for seeking healthcare or getting healthcare that may save their lives. To many states have taken the extreme stance on this subject and it is costing women their lives and ability to have children later in live. It is time we all stand together and demand ALL CITIZENS ARE EQUAL!


Public education is one of the most important things we can do for our future. We must continue to provide funds to ensure our public schools are properly funded and that they don’t go away. If we lose our public schools in our small rural towns, they will go away as well. I will provide the funding needed to keep our public schools going, but we must elect State officials that will take those funds and ensure they go to public schools and not the private schools. My opponent wants to cut the Department of Education and let the states take care of education. Well here in Oklahoma, that hasn’t work out very well for us or our children. Oklahoma ranks 49th in education, I don’t believe allowing them to take over would work for our children or future. I believe we may very well mandate the bare minimum requirements that our schools must teach. The requirements will ensure our students are given a fair level playing field, when it comes to getting a higher education.


My opponent wants to cut social security and medicare. I will work to improve it and grow it. I believe we have to eliminate the cap on the social security tax. This is the 6.2% the individual pays and the 6.2% the company of the individual pays on income. As it is right now it is capped at $168,600. This means anyone making over that amount doesn’t pay anymore into the fund. The maximum benefit payment currently is $4,873 per month. Very few of us get anywhere close to that amount, but the people who do get that amount benefit from the higher wages and not paying into the program at the full amount they make. If we change just this part of the plan there would be much more funds in the program. With the larger funds in the plan, we could look into the possibility of lowering the 100% age and/or raise the amounts everyone can draw from the plan. I won’t allow anyone to take away a plan that our working class citizens have payed into their whole life.


I believe that all citizens should have affordable healthcare and it not be tied to your employment. If we learned anything with Covid, it was the need to have healthcare that isn’t tied to your employment. Far too many people lost their jobs and insurance at no fault of their own and this must not be allowed to happen ever again. I believe we can and must provide affordable healthcare for all US Citizens. How we provide this can be done in many ways and that will depend on working with each other and agreeing on the best plan that works for everyone involved. Be it a Medicare for All program, insurance based program that we mandate the plan and price to be charged, or another form brought forward. We are the greatest country in the world and we must provide the greatest healthcare to our citizens at affordable cost.


We must continue to grow our economy and to due this we must do it from the working class up. We know and history shows that this is how you provide a strong economy. As a Union man, I understand this better than anyone. We can not longer count on the working class carrying the weight of the country. We will have to correct our tax system and start making the wealthy start paying their own fair share. Corporation will have to start paying more as well, 21%-28% corporate tax isn’t going to hurt any of them. Instead of the tariff plan that the other guy talks about, I believe we should make these companies that take American jobs across the border to other countries pay a higher corporate tax. We should award the corporations that stay in America with the majority of their workforce and punish the ones that don’t.